每年11月1日为诸圣日(All Saints Day),也有人把它叫做“All Hallows Day”。而万圣节前夜(10月31日)则被叫做 “Hallows Eve”,久而久之就变成了“Halloween”。当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集糖果。主要流行于撒克逊人后裔云集的美国、不列颠群岛、澳大利亚等西方国家。慢慢的许多其它国家也开始流行万圣节。All Saints Day is celebrated on November 1st every year, some people call it “All Hallows Day”. And the night before that (October 31st) is called “Hallows Eve”, it becomes “Halloween” as time passes. Children would put on costumes and masks, stroll from house to house to collect candy. It is popular with the Saxons around the States, the British Isles, Australia and other western countries. Halloween becomes prevalent in other countries gradually.
德国及其他的一些欧洲国家,对美国式的鬼节也开始慢慢淡化,人们更希望借助南瓜的魅力,将装神弄鬼的万圣节改造成减轻压力、享受生活的“放松节”。德国目前的万圣节“鬼”味变淡、瓜味变浓——各地村镇掀起办南瓜节、摆南瓜宴的风潮,以往唱配角的南瓜已经成了节日的主角。Ever since the financial crisis, Germany and some other European Countries begin to downplay the American way of Halloween, people would rather have a holiday with the magic of pumpkins that represents loosen-up, relaxation and living the leisurely life than focusing on being spooky and all kinds of scary. The “ghosty” Halloween in Germany has been fading away while the sense of “pumpkin” stands out in people's mind--- having pumpkin festival and pumpkin feast has been trending around cities & towns, pumpkin the former supporting role has taken the lead role in Halloween.
Froebel Pumpkin Party--- Atmosphere
在德国各地举办的活动中,最著名的要数南部著名的“南瓜基地”路德维希堡市的南瓜节。这个节日从9月一直持续到11月7日,其间包括了划南瓜船大赛、南瓜美容创意等活动。据说当地的南瓜展已经创下世界之最,11年展出的南瓜有50万个之多,囊括了全球450多个品种。在著名的路德维希堡王宫前,如同一片“南瓜海洋”:红、黄、绿、白、黑……各色南瓜被艺术家摆成外星人、美人鱼、冲浪者等惟妙惟肖的造型。The most noted event happening around Germany is at the southern city Ludwigsburg, the “Base of Pumpkins”. This event lasts from September till Nov.7th, it contains pumpkin kayak racing, pumpkin cosmetology etc. It’s said that the local pumpkin galleries holds the record of exhibiting over 500 thousand pumpkins including over 450 kinds around the world. The “ocean of pumpkins” in front of the famous Ludwigsburger Residenzschloss was filled with colors like red, apricot, viridity, white, black… you name it. Colored pumpkins are sculpted as aliens, mermaids, surfers etc. by talented artists.
万圣节最早是西方的传统节日,流传到今天已经成为一个孩子们纵情玩乐的好时候。对于福禄培尔的孩子们来说,万圣节就是他们欢快的儿童节。Halloween is a time for kids to indulge themselves nowadays which was originally a tradition holiday in western countries. Halloween is another gleeful Children’s Day for kids at Froebel.
为了让福禄培尔的孩子们拥有万圣节浓郁的节日氛围,我们精心布置了园内每一个角落。We have decorated the campus without missing any details for the sake of kids at Froebel to experience a strong vibe of Halloween.
Froebel Pumpkin Party--- Games
在英国大部分地区,人们都觉得路遇黑猫其实是好兆头,但还有一种说法是撒旦在跟女巫们往来的时候,化身成了一只猫。所以就这么莫名其妙的,黑猫成了厄运的象征。In most regions in UK, people tend to think of running into a black cat as a sign of good fortune. However it is also stated that Satan transforms to a black cat when dealing with witches. Due to this saying, black cats strangely become the symbol of misfortune.
叫杰克的小男孩挑衅了恶魔,然后被永远关在了地狱。杰克不甘心,他用恶魔砸在他身上的芜菁(神似大萝卜)做了一个灯,为自己逃出地狱指路。这个故事其实讲的是爱尔兰版本的杰克灯,直到爱尔兰爆发饥荒,大批人到美国逃难,才把这个万圣节传统带到美国。但有一点改动的是,他们开始用南瓜代替芜菁制灯,因为芜菁这东西“在北美很难找到”。A little boy Jack provoked the demon, and was sent to hell for eternity. Jack was not reconciled at all, he made a lantern out of the turnip (it looks like a radish) the demon threw at him to guide him the way out of hell. This tale is actually the Irish version of Jack o’Lantern, the Irish brought this tradition to America when they took refuge in the states because of the famine outbreak. The only thing they amended was using pumpkins to replace turnips since turnips is “hard to find in North America”.
关于“不给糖,就捣蛋”这个有趣的活动的历史其实并不算太久远。十九世纪时期,一些苏格兰和爱尔兰儿童在万圣节前夕,挨家挨户为灵魂祈祷或进行表演。没错,只有精心准备的歌舞表演才能换来别人家的美味。The history of this delightful “trick or treat” is actually not weighty. In the 19th century, some Scottish & Irish kids would give performances or pray for souls door by door at the night before Halloween. That’s correct, only performances that are exquisitely prepared can be rewarded gourmet from other families.
为了让我们福禄培尔的孩子们感受到西方文化以及体验游戏的快乐,我们策划了精彩纷呈的万圣节南瓜派对。我们会在游戏中渗透并引导孩子们身临其境感知了解西方节日文化。In order to bring the western culture and joy by experiencing games to kids at Froebel, we organized a magnificent Halloween pumpkin party. Children would fit into the scenario-based games and being introduced to the western festive culture.
Froebel Pumpkin Party---Gourmet & RunwayShow
福禄培尔万圣节亲子走秀,把现场氛围再一次推到了高潮,欢乐家庭轮番登场,小宝贝们化妆成小精灵、小恶魔、小魔法师……给我们意想不到的惊喜,每个人都是最耀眼的。Superstar ! Froebel parent-child Halloween runway show brings the atmosphere here to a climax, each joyful family takes brilliant costumes on the stage, kids masqueraded as little elves, demons, wizards… The show is full of surprises, everyone becomes the brightest superstar!
来到福禄培尔的万圣节,除了感受浓郁的节日氛围、身着搞怪的奇装异服、现场参与丰富的趣味活动以外,好吃的在派对里也绝对必不可少!我们的五星级行政总厨同时还为小朋友们准备了节日特有美食,或惊悚或可爱的各种小点心,让小宝贝们吃的不亦乐乎。When it comes to the Halloween at Froebel, alongside with the strong vibe and decoration, strange costumes and abundant activities, it is never a true Halloween without gourmet at parties! The festive customized delicious food and desserts appear in a whether roguish or endearing way are specially prepared by our 5-star executive chef in order to make every kids fully enjoy the festival.
福禄培尔万圣奇妙之旅 | Froebel’s Halloween